清水 孝一


Koichi Shimizu received M.S. (1976) and Ph.D. (1979) degrees, from University of Washington, Seattle, USA. He was Research Associate in University of Washington 1974-79. He was an Assistant-, an Associate- Professors, and a Professor in Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan in 1979-2016. He is currently a Professor Emeritus of Hokkaido University, Japan, an Invited Research Professor of Waseda University, Japan and a Professor of Xidian University, Xi’an, China. He has been engaged in the studies of biomedical engineering including those of wave propagation in biological media, optical measurement, biotelemetry and biological effects of electromagnetic field. He served as an associate editor of IEEE Trans. ITB in 1999–2007. He has been a Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy, and an editorial board member of Scientific Reports, Nature. He is a member of IEEE, OSA, ISOB, IEEJ, IEICE and JSMBE. He received Research Promotion Award (1981), Best Paper Award (1995) and New Technology Development Award (2020) from Japan Society for Medical and Biological Engineering.

Education Background
  • [1]1976.1-1979.6

    University of Washington, USA  | Biomedical Engineering  | Doctoral Degree | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

  • [2]1973.10-1976.1

    University of Washington, USA  | Biomedical Engineering  | Master's Degree | Master's degree completion

  • [3]1969.4-1973.3

    Hokkaido University  | Electronics Science and Technology  | Bachelor's Degree | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)

Work Experience
  • [1] 2016.4-2021.3
    Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems | Waseda University 
  • [2] 1995.4-2016.3
    Graduate School of Information Science and Technology | Hokkaido University 
  • [3] 1991.6-1995.3
    Graduate School of Engineering | Hokkaido University 
  • [4] 1979.7-1991.5
    Research Institute of Applied Electricity | Hokkaido University 
  • [5] 1974.1-1979.6
    Center for Bioengineering | University of Washington 
Social Affiliations

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Research Focus
  • [1]使用光学传输的移动远程医疗

  • [2]光学生物测量法
  • [3]血液浊度的无创光学测量
  • [4]功能性跨光照成像
  • [5]1. Application of light scattering to biomedical fields:
    2. Functional trans illumination imaging:
    3. Noninvasive optical measurement of blood turbidity:
    4. Optical biotelemetry:
    5. Mobile telemedicine using optical transmission:

Team members
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Academic honor
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