Lian Peiyuan

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Male   beoplay体育提现   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study   Associate professor  


连培园,副教授,博士生导师,陕西高校优秀青年人才河南禹州人,于2017年beoplay体育提现机械电子工程专业博士毕业后留校工作,2021年入选beoplay体育提现华山学者菁英副教授,担任陕西省电子学会电子机械与工业设计专委会秘书、中国电子学会2020年机械电子学术会议组委会委员与秘书、第五届国际天线多学科设计与计量青年论坛组委会委员等,是IEEE Member、中国电子学会会员等。针对大口径高性能天线机电耦合问题突出和服役性能恶化严重问题,长期从事大型天线机电耦合与性能保障研究工作。以第一作者在中国工程院院刊Engineering、中国科学英文版SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences、天线领域顶刊IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation、机械工程学报等国内外期刊上发表期刊论文17篇,其中有中科院1区和2区论文6篇,授权发明专利20余项,第一完成人授权专利转化1项,登记软件著作权4件,在科学出版社出版学术专著1部(34.3万字),主持纵向和横向科研项目12项,包括国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、陕西省自然科学基金、科研院所横向课题等,同时参与了国家科技部973课题和国家自然科学基金重大项目等。相关成果已成功应用在火星探测喀什测控站4部S/X/Ka波段35米天线、阿根廷内乌肯国际测控站35米天线、大型车载反隐身相控阵雷达、QTT射电望远镜等重大工程中,上述工程天线主要应用在深空探测、探月、天宫以及阿根廷国际地面站等国家工程中。


beoplay体育提现西安本部和广州研究院招生 6名 硕士/博士研究生,主要研究方向是电子装备机电耦合、反射面天线和相控阵天线结构-电磁-热多学科分析设计、天线服役性能提升与保障等,欢迎咨询。






5、2022年,Best Student Paper Award,Award Committee Chair of APCAP 2022

















1、王从思,王娜,连培园,许谦. 高频段大型反射面天线热变形补偿技术. 科学出版社,2018.09,北京

2、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang, Song Xue, Yan Wang, Yuefei Yan, Qain Xu, Baoyan Duan, Na Wang, Yuhu Duan, Yang Wu. Future Research Trend for Improving Large Reflector Antenna Service Performance. Engineering, 2021, 7(8): 1047-1050. (SCI, 1区,IF:12.8)

3、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang, Song Xue, Qian, Xu, Na Wang, Binbin Xiang, Yu Shi, Yu Jia. Panel Adjustment and Error Analysis for a Large Active Main Reflector Antenna by Using the Panel Adjustment Matrix. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Oct, 2021, 69(10): 6351-6363. (SCI,1区, IF:4.388)

4、Peiyuan Lian, Yuefei Yan, Congsi Wang, et al. Hybrid-panel-based new design idea for large reflector antenna. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Science. 2022.04, Accepted. (SCI, 2区, IF: 4.7)

5、Peiyuan Lian, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang*, Binbin Xiang, Naigang Hu. Effects of Nonuniform Surface Errors along the Radius on Reflector’s Radiation Characteristic and Its Quality Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2015, 63(5): 2312-2316. (SCI, 1区,IF: 4.13)

6、Peiyuan Lian, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang*, Congsi Wang, Shuxin Zhang, Binbin Xiang. A Pattern Approximation Method for Distorted Reflector Antennas Using Piecewise Linear Fitting of the Exponential Error Term. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2015, 63(10): 4546-4551. (SCI,1区,IF: 4.13)

7、Peiyuan Lian, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang*, Binbin Xiang, Peng Li. A Mesh Refinement Method of Reflector Antennas Using Quadratic Surface Construction Over Each Structure Element. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2014, 13: 1557-1560. (SCI,2区, IF: 3.448)

8、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang*, Qian Xu, Binbin Xiang, Yu Shi, Yu Jia, Wei Wang, Wanye Xu. Real-time temperature estimation method for electromagnetic performance improvement of a large axisymmetric radio telescope under solar radiation. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2020, 14(13): 1635-1642.(SCI)

9、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang*, Song Xue, Qian Xu, Yu Shi, Yu Jia, Binbin Xiang, Yan Wang, Yuefei Yan. Surface adjustment strategy for a large radio telescope with adjustable dual reflectors. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2019, DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2019.0387.(SCI)

10、Peiyuan Lian, Wei Wang, and Naigang Hu. Feed Adjustment Method of Reflector Antenna Based on Far Field. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2014, 8(10): 701-707. (SCI)

11、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang*, Wei Wang, Binbin Xiang. Electromagnetic performance analysis of reflector antennas with non-uniform errors along radius. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2016, 27(5): 961-967. (SCI)

12、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang*, Binbin Xiang, Yu Shi, Song Xue. Gradient-based optimization method for producing a contoured beam with single-fed reflector antenna. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2019, 30(1): 22-29. (SCI)

13、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang*, Qian Xu, Binbin Xiang, Song Xue. Effects of reflector antenna panel installation errors on average power pattern. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2019, e22084, pp.1-9, (SCI)

14、Yan Wang, Congsi Wang, Peiyuan Lian, Song Xue, Jing Liu, Wei Gao, Yu Shi, Zhihai Wang, Kunpeng Yu, Xuelin Peng, Biao Du and Song Xiao, Effect of Temperature on Electromagnetic Performance of Active Phased Array Antenna, Electronics, 2020, 9(8), 1211.

15、Congsi Wang; Yan Wang; Peiyuan Lian; Song Xue; Qian Xu; Yu Shi; Yu Jia; Biao Du; Jing Liu; Baofu Tang, Space Phased Array Antenna Developments: A Perspective on Structural Design, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2020, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 44-63.

16、Congsi Wang, Yan Wang, Shuai Yuan, Baoyan Duan, Peiyuan Lian, Song Xue, Biao Du, Wei Gao, Zhihai Wang, Yu Shi, Baofu Tang, Jing Liu, A Compensation Method for Active Phased Array Antennas: Using a strain-electromagnetic coupling model, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 2021, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 78-88.

17、Song Xue, Ian Howard, Congsi Wang, Peiyuan Lian, Yan Wang, Guoxi Liu, Dynamic modelling of the gear system under non-stationary conditions using the iterative convergence of the tooth mesh stiffness, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 131:105908. (中科院 2 区,影响因子:3.634)

18、Yuefei Yan, Song Xue, Xinlan Hu, Peiyuan Lian, Yan Wang, Lin Li, Qian Xu, Na Wang, Wulin Zhao, Yuanpeng Zheng, Congsi Wang, Accurate Data Match and Call Method for the Thermal Compensation Database of the Reflector Antenna, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022, 9:56. 

19、Kabin Lin, Chen Chen, Congsi Wang, Peiyuan Lian, Yan Wang, Song Xue, Jingjie Sha, Yunfei Chen,Fabrication of solid-state nanopores,Nanotechnology, 2022, 33, 272003.

20、Yan Yuefei, Xue Song, Xinlan Hu, Peiyuan Lian, Qian Xu, Na Wang, Wulin Zhao, Wu Yang, Duan Baoyan, Wang Congsi, Progress and Challenges in Electromechanical Coupling of Radio Telescopes, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022, 4728303

21、Wei Wang, Peiyuan Lian, Shuxin Zhang*, Binbin Xiang, Qian Xu. Effect of facet displacement on radiation field and its application for panel adjustment of large reflector antenna. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30(3), 2017: 578-586. (SCI)

22、Song Xue, Congsi Wang, Ian Howard, Peiyuan Lian, Gaige Chen, Yan Wang Yuefei Yan, Qian Xu, Yu Shi, Yu Jia, Yuanpeng Zheng, NaWang, The diagnostic analysis of the fault coupling effects in planet bearing, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 108, 104266.

23、Xue Song, Jin Zheng, Wang Congsi, Peiyuan Lian, Li Yan, Xu Qian, Li Ning, Wang Xiaojie, The compound fault interaction analysis of the planet bearing system, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2022, 44, 606.

24、Song Xue, Kaitong Ma, Congsi Wang, Peiyuan Lian, Yan Wang, Yuefei Yan, Qian Xu, Yuanpeng Zheng, and Na Wang, A Conceptual Investigation of a Large Radio Telescope Support Point Number Effect on Its Pointing Accuracy, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2020, Article ID 2706309, 16 pages, 2020

25、Song Xue, Ian Howard, Congsi Wang, Hong Bao, Peiyuan Lian, Gaige Chen, Yan Wang, Yuefei Yan, The diagnostic analysis of the planet bearing faults using the torsional vibration signal, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 134, 106304.

26、Yu Jia, Xueyong Wei, Liu Xu, Congsi Wang, Peiyuan Lian, Song Xue, Ahmed Al-Saadi, Yu Shi, Multiphysics vibration FE model of piezoelectric macro fibre composite on carbon fibre composite structures, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 161, 376-385.

27、Peiyuan Lian, Congsi Wang, Wei Wang. Effects of random errors in different rings on reflector’s gain and sidelobe levels[C]. The Fifth Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics, Guilin, Guangxi, 8-10 Oct., 2015. (EI)

28、Baoyan Duan, Peiyuan Lian. The Coupled Problem Among Displacement, Thermo and Electromagnetic Fields and Applications in Electronic Equipments[C]. V Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Coupled Problems 2013), Ibiza, Spain, 17-19 June, 2013. (EI)

29、Qin Long, Lian Peiyuan, Li Shuai, Yan Yuefei, Xue Song, Xu Qian, Wang Congsi, A Design Method for Reducing the Number of Actuators of a Large Active Main Reflector Antenna, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022, 885, 110-120.

30、Yinwei Zhang, Peiyuan Lian, Liang Yao, Shuai Li, Yuefei Yan, Congsi Wang. Nonuniform Surface Accuracy Design of Reflector Antenna Oriented Toward Side-lobe Performance. The 2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Nov 4-7, Xiamen, 2022, China.

31、Jin Zheng, Xue Song, Wang Congsi, Lian Peiyuan, Li Shuai, Yan Yuefei, Xu Qian, Dynamic Analysis of Large Aperture Antenna Rotor System Under Wind Disturbance, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022, 885, 1610-1620

32、薛松, 王从思,连培园,等, 面向波束指向的高频段大口径天线服役性能调控技术, 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(2), 1-10. (EI)

33、连培园,朱敏波, 王伟, 杨癸庚. 一种轴对称反射面天线温度场实时预估方法. 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(6): 165-172. (EI)

34、连培园,王伟, 张树新, 杨癸庚. 基于远场的反射面天线馈源位姿调整方法. 系统工程与电子技术, 2014, 36(1): 9-15. (EI)

35、连培园,王伟, 保宏, 许万业. 基于机电耦合理论的智能反射面天线形状最优控制. 系统工程与电子技术, 2014, 36(3): 417-421. (EI)

36、连培园,段宝岩, 王伟, 胡乃岗. 远场反推变形反射面天线馈源调整量. beoplay体育提现学报(自然科学版), 2014, 41(5): 105-111. (EI)

37、侯宇琪, 薛松, 连培园, 赵武林, 许谦, 李琳, 孔德庆, 王从思, 基于改进模糊综合评价法德射电望远镜可靠性评估, 电子机械工程, 2022, 38(6), 23-28

38、 王从思; 雷婷; 严粤飞; 许谦; 王娜; 郑元鹏; 杜彪; 连培园; 薛松; 段玉虎; 石禹; 贾昱, 基于角度传感器的大口径射电望远镜面板实时位置计算方法, 中国科学 物理学 力学 天文学, 2019, 49(9), 46-55.

39、 王从思; 王雪晴; 许谦; 王娜; 郑元鹏; 杜彪; 连培园; 薛松; 严粤飞; 段玉虎; 石禹; 贾昱, 基于等效风场试验的QTT台址风场分布调控技术方案初探, 中国科学 物理学 力学 天文学, 2019, 49(9), 126-132.

Education Background

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Social Affiliations

Research Focus

  • 电子装备机电耦合、天线多学科优化设计、天线服役性能保障