
Associate professor   graduate teacher


Alma Mater:Zhejiang University

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree:Doctoral degree

Status:On duty

School/Department:School of Aerospace Science and Technology

Date of Employment:2018-07-09

Discipline:Intelligent Detection and New Sensors


Education Background

2008.9 -- 2012.6

Zhejiang University       Mechanical Engineering and Automation       Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degree)       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

2012.9 -- 2018.6

Zhejiang University       Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Social Affiliations



Reviewer of《International Journal of Energy Research》《Langmuir》

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  • Work Experience

    2022.8 -- Now

    beoplay体育提现      空间科学与技术学院      副教授

    2018.7 -- 2022.7

    Xidian University      School of Aerospace Science and Technology      Lecturer

    Research Group

    Institute of Flexible Sensing Techology(IFST)

    柔性传感技术研究所(Institute of Flexible Sensing Techology(IFST)),由成立于2017年的柔性传感技术研究团队基础上,于2019年发展而来。隶属于beoplay体育提现空间科学与技术学院,现任负责人(所长)为吕晓洲教授。研究所依托极端环境下装备效能教育部重点实验室,致力于研究柔性敏感材料与功能材料的基础理论与制备工艺,发展新颖的检测技术并设计新型柔性传感器。本着问题导向、需求牵引、面向工业、服务国防、培养人才的原则,以平等、协作、共赢的方式,与同行一起为该领域的进步和发展贡献力量。研究所拥有1个“柔性电子与微纳传感器实验室”专有实验室和1个“临近空间飞行器测控通信与特种测量联合实验室”共享实验室,拥有柔性复合材料与柔性传感器的制备与测试相关仪器设备价值数千万。目前团队拥有5名正式教师,包括教授1名、副教授1名和准聘副教授3名,有在读博士4名,在读硕士12名。

    • 吕晓洲

    • 史尧光

    • 张维强

    • 姚斌

    • 闫贝


    Yaoguang Shi is currently a Associate Professor in School of Aeropace Science and Technology at Xidian University.  He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Zhejiang University in 2012 and 2018, respectively. His current research interests include the design and fabrication of flexible thermoelectric energy harvesting devices and tactile sensors.  He has published 17 journal papers in Appl Energy, Energy Convers Manag, IEEE Robot Autom Lett, IEEE Trans Instrum Meas, and J Micromech Microeng, et al.   Besides, he has obtained 18 national invention patents.