Rui Wang

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Female   beoplay体育提现   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study   Professor  



2004年毕业于 beoplay体育提现 电子信息科学与技术专业获理学学士学位;

2009年毕业于 beoplay体育提现 无线电物理专业获理学博士学位。

长期从事复杂背景中的雷达目标特性建模及成像与识别应用研究。近年先后申请获批主持项目包括:国家自然科学青年基金国家自然科学基金面上项目航天SAST项目教育部高等学校博士点基金项目陕西省自然科技基金等,作为主要负责人参加项目有国家自然科学基金重点项目等;获奖方面,先后获陕西省科技进步一等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖各1项;出版专著《随机粗糙面散射的基本理论和方法》(郭立新, 王蕊, 吴振森,科学出版社)一部;累计在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文四十余票篇,以一作/通信作者发表 SCI 检索论文15篇,近5年在本学科领域权威 TOP 刊物 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation/IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 以及IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters等权威期刊上发表SCI论文10篇,授权国家发明专利3项,申请国家发明专利5项。本科教学主要承担了《数值计算方法》、《计算物理》(国家级一流本科课程)、《大学物理》等课程教学任务,研究生课程承担了《复杂系统中的电磁波专题》的教学任务,教学鉴定结果为“长期优秀”。


研究方向一: 复杂环境中目标时域电磁散射建模理论研究

复杂环境中的目标电磁散射特性建模研究,既是支撑武器系统雷达隐身、突防等应用的重要基础课题,本人首次将时域高频射线方法引入了复杂背景的计算中,突破了复杂场景中电大目标的时域散射回波仿真复杂度高的瓶颈,该项成果在本领域 TOP 期刊 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2021)上已发表,创新性研究有力支撑了国家自然科学基金重点项目等研究工作的展开与深入研究工作。

研究方向二: 复杂环境中目标的成像理论研究

现代战争是高科技的信息化战争,能否快速、准确、有效地感知战场环境对整个战争的成败起着至关重要的作用。合成孔径雷达具有全天候、全天时、远距离、穿透性强和高分辨成像等特点,基于其的雷达目标自动识别技术在现代战争中具有重要的应用价值。本人基于电磁散射理论和雷达成像原理,开展实际复杂背景中的目标SAR及ISAR成像研究,揭示复杂背景与目标之间的耦合散射机理对图像细节的影响,该项成果在本领域 TOP 期刊 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation(2023) 以及 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (2022)上已发表,创新性研究有力支撑了国防基础加强项目的展开与深入研究工作,下图为部分成果展示:

研究方向三: 复杂环境中的目标识别与检测研究



1. Rui Wang, Lei Liao, Guo, GB, Guo, LX, ISAR Imaging for a Composite Target-Layered Rough Surface Scene Based on the Accelerated Time-Domain Scattering Algorithm,  IEEE Transactions On Antennas And Propagation (TOP期刊) , 2023, SCI检索号: 000967281700001.

2. Rui Wang; Guo, GB ; He, ZY ; Guo, LX Scattering Prediction of Target above Layered Rough Surface Based on Time-Domain Ray Tracing Modeling,IEEE Transactions On Antennas And Propagation (TOP期刊), 2021, SCI检索号: 000647410900035.

3. Rui Wang; Zhang, KJ; Guo, GB ; Liu, W ; Guo, LX,ISAR Imaging for Target above Rough Surface Based on Time-Domain Scattering Echo,IEEE Antennas And Wireless Propagation Letters,  2022, SCI检索号: 000742181900006.

4. Fang, ZG; Rui Wang*, Zuo, YC; Guo, LX ,An Efficient Lineal Sampling Method for RCS Prediction, IEEE Antennas And Wireless Propagation Letters, 2022, SCI检索号: 000778924100029.

5. Rui Wang ; Guo, GB; Guo, LX, Study of the terahertz wave scattering from metal surface coated by rough lossy coating based on a ray tracing modeling, 2019, IEEE  Access, SCI检索号: 000484235600022.

6. Rui Wang, L. X. Guo, Z. B. Zhang, Scattering From Contaminated Rough Sea Surface by Iterative Physical Optics Model, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016, SCI检索号: 000373009800006.

7. Guo, GB ; Guo, LX ; Rui Wang *, ISAR Image Algorithm Using Time-Domain Scattering Echo Simulated by TDPO Method, IEEE Antennas And Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020,SCI检索号: 000557357800011, 2020.

8. Guo, GB ; Guo, LX; Rui Wang; An ISAR Imaging Framework for Large and Complex Targets Using TDSBR, IEEE Antennas And Wireless Propagation Letters2021, SCI检索号: 000704111600020.

9. Rui Wang, L. X. Guo, A fast PO-PO hybrid method for analysing the Doppler spectrum of a plasma-coated object above a rough sea surface: horizontal polarization, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015, SCI检索号: 000349639100010.

10. Rui Wang, Shui-Rong Chai, and Li-Xin Guo, Fast Hybrid Method for the Study on Monostatic Scattering from Plasma-Coated Target above a Rough Surface, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2014, SCI检索号: 000336155900001.

11. G. Guo; L. Guo; Rui Wang; W. Liu and L. Li, Transient Scattering Echo Simulation and ISAR Imaging for a Composite Target-Ocean Scene Based on the TDSBR Method,Remote Sensing, 2022, SCI检索号: 000768498900001.

12. Zhao, XF ; Deng, JY ; Rui Wang; Wideband air-filled ridge substrate-integrated waveguide, International Journal Of Rf And Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, 2021, SCI检索号: 000612171200001

13.王蕊, 郭立新, 张策, 油膜覆盖的非线性海面电磁散射多普勒谱特性研究,物理学报,SCI检索号: 000455402400010, 2018.

14.Zhang, YM; Zheng, HL ; Rui Wang; Guo, LX, Investigation on THz EM Wave Scattering from Oil-Covered Sea Surface: Exploration for an Approach to Probe the Thickness of Oil Film, IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing (TOP期刊), 2021, SCI检索号: 000622319000001.

15.Guo, GB ; Guo, LX; Rui Wang, The Study on Near-Field Scattering of a Target under Antenna Irradiation by TDSBR Method, IEEE  Access2019, SCI检索号: 000483022100008.

16.Chai Shuirong, Guo Lixin, Rui Wang, PO–PO method for electromagnetic backscattering from a 2D arbitrary dielectric-coated conducting target located above a 1D randomly rough surface: horizontal polarization, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2014. SCI检索号: 000345859700012.

17.Rui Wang, Shui-rong Chai, and Li-xin Guo, Fast hybrid method for analyzing the Doppler spectral of a moving plasma-coated target above a time-evolving lossy dielectric sea surface, The General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, 2014, SCI检索号:000366628702106.

Education Background

Work Experience

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Research Focus

  • 电磁波传播与散射以及计算机仿真
  • 目标与环境光电特性分析
  • 计算电磁学及其应用