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26. Yueshen Xu, Yuhong Jiang, Xinkui Zhao, Ying Li, Rui Li. Personalized Repository Recommendation Service for Developers with Multi-modal Features Learning. IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS, CCF-B), 2023
25. Honghao Gao, Yinchen Wu, Yueshen Xu*, Rui Li, Zhiping Jiang. Neural Collaborative Learning for User Preference Discovery from Biased Behavior Sequences. In: IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS, 中科院II区),Online, 2023.
24. Yueshen Xu, Honghao Gao, Rui Li, Yan Jiang, Shahid Mumtaz, Zhiping Jiang, Jiacheng Fang, Luobing Dong. Adversarial Learning-based Sentiment Analysis for Socially Implemented IoMT System. In: IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS, 中科院II区), Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2023.3252028, 2023
23. Honghao Gao; Binyang Qiu; Ramon J. Duran Barroso; Walayat Hussain; Yueshen Xu; Xinheng Wang. TSMAE: A Novel Anomaly Detection Approach for Internet of Things Time Series Data Using Memory-Augmented Autoencoder. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (中科II), Early Access, 2022
22. Tanjie Wang, Yueshen Xu*, Xinkui Zhao, Zhiping Jiang, Rui Li. Android malware detection via efficient application programming interface call sequences extraction and machine learning classifiers. IET Software (CCF B), 2022, Early Access
21. 徐悦甡, 周奕杉, 黄健斌, 李莹, 黑蕾. 面向共享单车服务调度的流程规划算法. 计算机集成制造系统, Vol. 28, Issue (10): 3284-3294, 2022
20. Yueshen Xu, Zhiying Wang, et al. Towards machine-learning-driven effective mashup recommendations from big data in mobile networks and the Internet-of-Things. Digital Communications and Networks (中科院II), 2023, Online
19. Xiaoxian Yang, Yueshen Xu*, et al. Demand-aware mobile bike-sharing service using collaborative computing and information fusion in 5G IoT environment. Digital Communications and Networks (中科院II), 2022, Online.
18. Yueshen Xu, Weihao Xiao, Xiaoxian Yang, et al.: Towards effective semantic annotation for mobile and edge services for Internet-of-Things ecosystems. Future Generation Computer Systems (中科院II Top) 139: 64-73 (2023)
17. Zhiping Jiang, Tom H. Luan, Xincheng Ren, Dongtao Lv, Han Hao, Jing Wang, Kun Zhao, Wei Xi, Yueshen Xu, Rui Li: Eliminating the Barriers: Demystifying Wi-Fi Baseband Design and Introducing the PicoScenes Wi-Fi Sensing Platform. IEEE Internet Things Journal (中科院I Top) 9(6): 4476-4496 (2022)
16. Dongjin Yu, Jianjiang Chen, Dongjing Wang, Yueshen Xu, Zhengzhe Xiang, Shuiguang Deng:DSIM: dynamic and static interest mining for sequential recommendation. Knowl. Inf. Syst. (中科院I) 64(8): 2267-2288 (2022)
15. Honghao Gao, Xi Qin*, Ramón J. Durán Barroso, Walayat Hussain, Yueshen Xu*, Yuyu Yin: Collaborative Learning-Based Industrial IoT API Recommendation for Software-Defined Devices: The Implicit Knowledge Discovery Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics on Computational Intelligence (中科院II) 6(1): 66-76 (2022)
14. Yueshen Xu, Junwei Lin, Honghao Gao, et al.: Machine Learning-Driven APPs Recommendation for Energy Optimization in Green Communication and Networking for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 6(3): 1543-1552 (2022)
13. Xiaoxian Yang, Yueshen Xu*, Li Kuang, Zhiying Wang, et al.: An Information Fusion Approach to Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Using the Joint Methods of Multiagent Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence of Things. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (中科院I Top) 23(7): 9335-9345 (2022)
12. Honghao Gao, Can Liu, Yuyu Yin, Yueshen Xu, Yu Li: A Hybrid Approach to Trust Node Assessment and Management for VANETs Cooperative Data Communication: Historical Interaction Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (中科院I Top) 23(9): 16504-16513 (2022)
11. Yueshen Xu, Yan Jiang, Rui Li, Honghao Gao, et al.:A healthcare-oriented mobile question-and-answering system for smart cities. Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol. 33(10) (2022)
10. Bin Cao, Kui Ma, Yuqi Liu, Yueshen Xu, Linan Zhu:Intention classification in multiturn dialogue systems with key sentences mining. Computational Intelligence, 37(2): 758-773 (2021)
9. Yueshen Xu, Lei Li, et al.: Sentiment classification with adversarial learning and attention mechanism. Computational Intelligence, 37(2): 774-798 (2021)
8. Yueshen Xu, Yinchen Wu, Honghao Gao, et al.: Collaborative APIs recommendation for Artificial Intelligence of Things with information fusion. Future Generation Computer Systems (中科院II Top) 125: 471-479 (2021)
7. Hongyuan Zhang, Rui Zhang, Xuelong Li, Yueshen Xu: Robust multi-view fuzzy clustering via softmin. Neurocomputing (中科院II) 458: 47-55 (2021)
6. Yuyu Yin, Qi Huang, Honghao Gao, Yueshen Xu:Personalized APIs Recommendation With Cognitive Knowledge Mining for Industrial Systems. IEEE Transactions on Ind. Informatics (中科院I) 17(9): 6153-6161 (2021)
5. Yueshen Xu, He Zhang, et al. :Preference discovery from wireless social media data in APIs recommendation. Wireless Networks 27(5): 3441-3451 (2021)
4. Honghao Gao, Yueshen Xu*, Yuyu Yin, et al.:Context-Aware QoS Prediction With Neural Collaborative Filtering for Internet-of-Things Services. IEEE Internet Things Journal (中科院I) 7(5): 4532-4542 (2020)
3. Yuyu Yin , Lu Chen, Yueshen Xu, et al.:QoS Prediction for Service Recommendation with Deep Feature Learning in Edge Computing Environment. Mobile Networks and Applications, 25(2): 391-401 (2020)
2. Rui Li, Zhiping Jiang, Yueshen Xu*, et al.: Device-Free Indoor Multi-target Tracking in Mobile Environment. Mobile Networks & Applications, 25(4): 1195-1207 (2020)
1. Yuyu Yin, Zengxu Cao, Yueshen Xu*, et al.: QoS Prediction for Service Recommendation With Features Learning in Mobile Edge Computing Environment. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (中科院II) 6(4): 1136-1145 (2020)
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC)
International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS)
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)
Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA)
Knowledge-based Systems (KBS)
Wireless Networks
Mobile Networks and Applications
Security and Communication Networks
Int. J. of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing
Industrial Marketing Management
IET Image Processing
Journal of Grid Computing
International Journal of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing
Industrial Marketing Management
Knowledge-based Systems (KBS)
Journal of Grid Computing
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Computer Communications (COMCOM)
Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Expert Systems with Applications
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
Expert Systems with Applications
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Concurrency and Computation-Practice and Experience
Journal of Internet Technology
The Journal of Supercomputing
Computer Networks
International Conference on Collaborative Computing
ICWS 2021
ChinaCom 2021
ChinaCom 2022
COLing 2022
CollaborateCom 2022
ACL 2023, ICWS 2023
ICDCS 2017: PC member of the short paper track
ICDCS 2018: Programme Committee (short paper track)
MobiCASE (Internatinal Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services)
TridentCom (Internatinal Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities)
External Reviewer:
1) ACM conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM)