Associate professor graduate teacher
Status:On duty
School/Department:Xidian University
Date of Employment:2020-07-14
Discipline:Optical Engineering
Business Address:beoplay体育提现北校区西大楼203
2018.10 -- 2019.10
美国Rice University
2014.9 -- 2020.7
山西大学量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室  原子与分子物理  With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study  Doctoral degree
2010.9 -- 2014.7
山西大学  电子信息科学与技术  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)  Bachelor's degree
《光学技术》杂志编辑部/青年编委会委员;《International Journal of Sensors》杂志编辑部成员
email :
与莱斯大学Frank Tittel教授、诺贝尔奖获得者C60发现者Robert Curl教授合作发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者身份已发表SCI论文20余篇,含传感领域的顶刊ACS Sensors、Photoacoustics等SCI一区12篇,H因子25,第一作者SCI总影响因子超过100,总被引超过1500次;主持国自然面上项目、青年基金、陕西省重点研发计划、省青年基金、开放课题等10余项项目,参与科技部国家重点研发计划-中美国际合作等项目。
担任SCI期刊Remote Sensing(IF:5.349)主题编辑,Energies (IF:3.252)、Frontiers in physics专刊编辑,《应用光学》《光学技术》青年编委,并是Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Optics Express, Optics Letters,Applied Physics Letters等多个SCI杂志的审稿人;已申请发明专利11项,授权4项,专利转化2项。
指导学生比赛:光电设计大赛全国二等奖、西北赛区一等奖优秀指导老师;获第十五届全国挑战杯全国二等奖,省特等奖 ;全国电子设计大赛省一等奖;国家奖学金3次;国家留学基金委CSC联合培养博士、2018年宝钢教育奖
1. Xiu Yang , Baisong Chen, Yuyang He(本科生), Chenchen Zhu, Xing Zhou, Yize Liang, Biao Li and Xukun Yin*, ppb-Level SO2 Photoacoustic Sensor for SF6 Decomposition Analysis Utilizing a High-Power UV Laser with a Power Normalization Method, Sensors 2024, 24, 7911.(SCI三区,JCR一区,通讯)
2. Xukun Yin, Changhui Jiang, Huadan Zheng, Angelo Sampaolo and Kaijie Xu*, Editorial: Acquisition and application of multimodal sensing information Front. Phys. 11:1284176. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1284176 (SCI三区,一作)
3. Baisong Chen, Haokun Li, Xiaoming Zhao, Miao Gao, Kun Cheng, Xiaopeng Shao, Hongpeng Wu, Lei Dong, and Xukun Yin*, Trace photoacoustic SO2 gas sensor in SF6 utilizing a 266 nm UV laser and an acousto-optic power stabilizer, Optics Express, 31(4) 6974-6981 https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.483240 (2023)(一类贡献度,SCI二区,通讯)IF:3.833
4. Xukun Yin, Changhui Jiang, Huadan Zheng, Angelo Sampaolo and Kaijie Xu*, Editorial: Acquisition and application of multimodal sensing information Front. Phys. 11:1284176. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1284176(2023)(SCI三区,一作)
5. Shangzhi Li, Yupeng Yuan, Zhijin Shang, Xukun Yin, Angelo Sampaolo, Pietro Patimisco, Vincenzo Spagnolo, Lei Dong, Hongpeng Wu, Ppb-level NH3 photoacoustic sensor combining a hammer-shaped tuning fork and a 9.55 µm quantum cascade laser, Photoacoustics, 33, 100557 (2023)
6. Le Zhang, Lixian Liu, Xueshi Zhang, Xukun Yin, Huiting Huan, Huanyu Liu, Xiaoming Zhao, Yufei Ma, Xiaopeng Shao, T-type cell mediated photoacoustic spectroscopy for simultaneous detection of multi-component gases based on triple resonance modality, Photoacoustics, 31, 100492 (2023)
7. Wenhai Yang, Wenting Diao, Chunxiao Cai, Tao Wu, Ke Wu, Yu Li, Cong Li, Chongdi Duan, Hanyang Leng, Ning Zi and Xukun Yin* A Bright Squeezed Light Source for Quantum Sensing, Chemosensors, Vol 11, 18 https://doi.org/10.3390/ Chemosensors 11010018(SCI三区,JCR一区,通讯) IF:4.229
8. Xukun Yin, Lei Dong, Hongpeng Wu, Miao Gao, Le Zhang, Xueshi Zhang, Lixian Liu, Xiaopeng Shao, Frank K. Tittel, Compact QEPAS humidity sensor in SF6 buffer gas for high-voltage gas power systems, Photoacoustics, Vol 25, 100319 (2022) (SCI一区,一作) IF:9.656
9. Xukun Yin*, Yongliang Su, Teli Xi, Baisong Chen, Le Zhang, Xueshi Zhang, Lixian Liu, and Xiaopeng Shao, Research progress on photoacoustic SF6 decomposition gas sensor in gas-insulated switchgear, J. Appl. Phys. 131, 130701 (2022) (SCI三区,JCR二区,通讯) IF:2.877
10. Lixian Liu; Huiting Huan; Andreas Mandelis; Le Zhang; Chengfei Guo; Wei Li; Xueshi Zhang; Xukun Yin; Xiaopeng Shao; Duantian Wang, Design and structural optimization of T-resonators for highly sensitive photoacoustic trace gas detection, Optics & Laser Technology, 148: 107695, (2022)
11. Xueshi Zhang; Lixian Liu; Yanyan Liu; Le Zhang; Xukun Yin; Huiting Huan; Teli Xi; Xiaopeng Shao, Detectors for gas‐phase photoacoustic spectroscopy: A review, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2022, 1-10 (2022)
12. Xueshi Zhang; Lixian Liu; Le Zhang; Xukun Yin; Huiting Huan; Lu Zhang; Xiaopeng Shao, A compact portable photoacoustic spectroscopy sensor for multiple trace gas detection, Journal of Applied Physics, 131(17): 174501 (2022)
13. Le Zhang, Lixian Liu, Yanyan Liu, Xueshi Zhang, Huiting Huan, Xukun Yin, Teli Xi, Xiaopeng Shao, Advances in differential photoacoustic spectroscopy for trace gas detection, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 2022;1-10.
14.Xukun Yin, Miao Gao, Ruiqi Miao, Le Zhang, Xueshi Zhang, Lixian Liu, Xiaopeng Shao*, and Frank K. Tittel, Near-infrared laser photoacoustic gas sensor for simultaneous detection of CO and H2S, Optics Express, Vol. 29, No.21/11, 34258-34268 (2021). (SCI二区)IF:3.833
15.Kaijie Xu, Xiaoan Tang*, Xukun Yin* and Rui Zhang, An enhanced adaptive Bi-clustering algorithm through building a shielding complex sub-matrix, Frontiers in Genetics, 13:996941. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.996941 (2022) (SCI三区,JCR一区,通讯) IF:4.772
16.Xukun Yin, Lei Dong*, Hongpeng Wu, Lixian Liu, Xiaopeng Shao*, Design and optimization of photoacoustic CO gas sensor for fault diagnosis of SF6 gas insulated equipment, Acta Physica Sinica, 70, 170701 (2021) DOI: 10.7498/aps.70.20210532 0.906
17.Xukun Yin, Miao Gao, Ruiqi Miao, Yongliang Su, Xueshi Zhang, Le Zhang, Lixian Liu, Xiaopeng Shao*, Highly Sensitive Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensors Based on a Difference Photoacoustic Cell(Invited), Acta Photonica Sinica, 2021,50(10):1030002
18. Lixian Liu, Huiting Huan, Wei Li, Andreas Mandelis, Yafei Wang, Le Zhang, Xueshi Zhang, Xukun Yin, Yuxiang Wu, Xiaopeng Shao, Highly sensitive broadband differential infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy with wavelet denoising algorithm for trace gas detection, Photoacoustics 21 100228 (2021)
19. 邵晓鹏,张乐,刘丽娴,尹旭坤,章学仕,苏永亮,基于光声光谱技术的多组分气体探测研究进展,Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, 36 5, 850-871 (2021)
20. Le Zhang, Lixian Liu, Huiting Huan, Xukun Yin, Xueshi Zhang, Andreas Mandelis, and Xiaopeng Shao, Non-Local Patch Regression Algorithm-Enhanced Differential Photoacoustic Methodology for Highly Sensitive Trace Gas Detection, Chemosensors, 9, 268 (2021)
21. Xukun Yin, Hongpeng Wu, Lei Dong*, Biao Li, Weiguang Ma, Lei Zhang, Wangbao Yin, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, and Frank K. Tittel, Ppb-Level SO2 Photoacoustic Sensors with a Suppressed Absorption−Desorption Effect by Using a 7.41 μm External-Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser, Acs Sensors, Vol.5, 549-556 (2020). (SCI一区)IF:9.618
22. Yufeng Pan, Lei Dong, Xukun Yin, HongpengWu, Compact and Highly Sensitive NO2 Photoacoustic Sensor for Environmental Monitoring, Molecules, Vol 25, 1201 (2020).
1. 绝缘油溶解气体的差分石英增强光热检测技术及故障产气机理研究 2025.1-2028.12 国家自然科学基金-面上项目
2. SF6电气绝缘设备的光声气体组分探测及故障诊断方法研究 2022.1-2024.12 国家自然科学基金-青基
3. 高精度温室气体在线分析仪研发及产业化研究 2022.12-2024.11 杭州市重点研发计划
4. 面向工业安全监测领域的多组分传感器研发 2023.01.01-2024.12.31 陕西省重点研发计划
5. 多组分六氟化硫气体分解物检测技术研究 2020.10-2023.9 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金
6. 激光漂移XX硬件研究 2020.07-2021.06 分卡主持
7. 开放课题----微型石英增强光声光谱大气污染监测技术研究
8. 开放课题---基于激光雷达的火箭漂移量测量系统
9. 开放课题----光声光谱技术应用于电力SF6 分解气体的研究
10. 173子课题---日盲方法研究 分卡主持
11. 开放课题--基于光声光谱气体检测技术的高压电力设备绝缘状态研究 5万元
12. 横向 主持-10余项