讲座名称:Detectability of discrete-event systems
地点:网络与安全创新研究大楼 A1236室
研究兴趣主要为理论计算机科学和控制论。主要研究题目为多种动态系统中基本性质的形式化验证和综合。所研究的系统包括布尔控制网络、有限自动机、Petri网、定时自动机,幺半群上的加权有限自动机。提出布尔控制网络的能观性图,离散事件系统的新框架,幺半群上的加权有限自动机。以第一作者出版Springer Nature专著一部,以独立作者出版Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control专著一部。发表40篇期刊论文(多篇论文发表在控制论顶级期刊和理论计算机科学顶级期刊中)和30多篇会议论文。
Detectability of partially-observed dynamical systems is a basic property which means that one can use observed output sequences to determine the current and subsequent states. The state detection problem dates back to E.F. Moore’s Gedanken-experiments in 1956 on sequential machines which were called Moore machines later. The basic definitions of strong detectability and weak detectability in discrete-event systems modeled by labeled finite-state automata were given by Shu and Lin in 2007. In this talk, we will firstly review the classical polynomial-time verification algorithm for strong detectability of labeled finite-state automata given by S. Shu and F. Lin in 2011 based on two fundamental assumptions of (1) deadlock-freeness (an automaton will always run) and (2) having no reachable unobservable cycle (the running of an automaton will eventually be observed). Shu and Lin’s algorithm was derived based on their detector method. Secondly, we will introduce our new polynomial-time verification algorithm (collaborated with A. Giua) by developing a concurrent-composition method without any assumption, thus rewriting the fundamental results on detectability.