Electronic Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 27-33.doi: 10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2022.02.005
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WU Weijia,YANG Jian,YUAN Tianchen,SHAO Zhihui
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WU Weijia,YANG Jian,YUAN Tianchen,SHAO Zhihui. Research on Track Structure Damage Identification Based on Support Vector Machine[J].Electronic Science and Technology, 2022, 35(2): 27-33.
Figure 5.
Fault identification results of track structure based on SVM (a)Results of optimization of SVM parameters by grid search under cement hardening (b)Recognition result map of cement havdening (c)Results of optimization of SVM parameters by grid search under unsupported sleeper (d)Recognition result map of unsupported sleeper (e)Results of optimization of SVM parameters by grid search under Mixed fault (f)Mixed fault identification result graph"
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